Ways To Give
Since the very beginning serving our community has been a priority. We have started and maintained many ministries to help those in need, because of the support of others. It is our goal to continue to contribute to the growth of our community. We know how important it is that we continue to be faithful to the Lord, because even through changing times he remains the same. Below we have listed the different ways to give if your heart desires! We hope to see you at the Mount!

Stewardship Quick Click
Click here to give through Quick Click .
Fill out your billing information.
Confirm shipping information.
Leave a description of your donation. (Tithes, Offering, etc.)
Confirm payment.

Cashapp- Not Available

Download the app found in the Apple and Google Play app store.
Locate Mt. Canaan Baptist Church.
Select the “Give” button.
Select and confirm the amount.
Select Envelope
​Tithes, Offering, Other.
Select “Give Now.”
Create an account.
Enter payment information.
Complete donation.