About Our Church
A lot has changed since the birth of Mount Canaan Baptist Church in 1894. Just like the love of God, our mission and goal for our community has remained the same. Under the leadership of our dynamic visionary, Greg L. Oliver, we've been able to experience significant growth. Our membership has increased by well over two hundred members since Pastor Oliver was installed as the seventeenth pastor of Mount Canaan in 2018. We have continued as a leading congregation in transforming ourselves and others into the image of Jesus Christ. God has sustained Mount Canaan through the unprecedented times of a coronavirus pandemic, as He has remained faithful to His promises to those who have made Him Lord and Savior. Pastor Oliver, in his commitment to God, encourages us to be both productive and impactful in our service to others. Mount Canaan will continue to move forward to spread the love of God throughout our community and city. We pray that you come to see what our ministries have to offer. See you at the mount!
What We Believe
In the Triune God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. (Deuteronomy 6:4; I John 5:7; Matthew 3:13-17)
Jesus is the true God and true Man. (Matthew 16:13-16; John 1:1,14)
The Holy Spirit is a Divine Person. (John 14:16,26)
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God. (2 Timothy 3:16)
All have sinned and come short of the Glory of God and are in need of salvation. (Romans 3:23, 5:12)
Salvation has been provided through Jesus for all men. (Romans 6:23, John 3:16, Romans 10:9-10)
It is the will of God that every Believer be filled with the Holy Spirit. (John 7:37 - 39)
Healing is provided in the redemptive work of Christ and is available to every Believer. (Isaiah 53:4,5; I Peter 2:24)
The church consists of all those who have received Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. (Acts 2:47)
There shall be a bodily resurrection of the just and the unjust. (I Corinthians 15:51-53; Acts 24:15)
In the personal, visible, imminent return of Jesus Christ. (Titus 2:13;I Thessalonians 1:10)
In water baptism and observation of the Lord's Supper. (I Corinthians 11:27-32; Matthew 3:16, 28:18-19; Romans 6:4)
The mission of the Mount Canaan Baptist Church is to continue to become more of a Christ-centered ministry through worship, the study of the Word, through the fellowship of the believers, and the equipping of the saints to be viable Kingdom representatives in their homes, communities, and the world.
A church grounded in the cross, growing in Christ, and giving to the community.
Christian Exaltation of Christ (John 12:32)
Christian Exhortation of Other Christians (Hebrews 10:25)
Christian Education (Acts 17:11; Mathew 11:28-29)
Christian Empowerment to Impact Their Environment (Ephesians 4:12)